Final Details

Final Details

Just one final questionnaire for you to fill out that will help me get every bit of info we need to make the day go as smoothly as possible at our end. You will have to answer every field to send the form so If there is anything that doesn’t apply to your day, please enter NA. If there is anything on this form that you’re keeping a secret from each other and would like to message me about separately, then please reach out at: 07890043682

e.g. You’re wearing your great grandmother’s jewellery you have a letter your fiancé wrote you when you first started dating, you’re wearing your mom’s wedding dress, Handmade decor or details?
Any tense relations or sensitive matters to know about.

Getting Ready

We will arrive 2-3 hours before ceremony, Janina will be with Person 1, Jawad with Person 2. Jawad will have car so please make sure there is space for Janina to join capturing final journey monents.
Share some information on these-names, age (children) , relationship.

The Day

Please ensure there is space for 1 car, and space for Janina in main car to join person 1 on way to ceremony.
If you’re having speeches between courses and are generously providing us with a hot meal from the catering team, please be aware that these are understandably provided after the last table has been served their main course, and usually in a designated spot away from the main dinner party. If you have events or speeches planned between courses, please inform catering that your photographer will be working between your courses so they can serve me in time to eat before or after speeches – so we can both aim to avoid a missed speech or a cold or missed dinner. If you aren’t providing us meal, be aware that we will have to leave venue to grab warm meal.

Group photos and couples photos

Family photos Many of our couples choose not to have any but if you do, my standard list is below. I usually do these after you’ve had some time to mingle and enjoy a drink, rather than diving straight into them!
Give this list to made of honour, ushers whoever will be in charge of them and gathering required people around.

Couples photos

So, I always make my couple’s portraits optional! There’s no performance pressure from me for these, I really want you to be yourselves with each other and only aim to give some gentle guidance and direction if needed to make it as non-weird and hopefully as fun as possible!I also get many people who prefer a 100% documentary approach, do not want these photos from their day, and would prefer to skip them altogether. I’m happy to take either approach and want to capture your day in a way that feels authentic to you. It’s great to know what you would like ahead of the day so we’re on the same page, and I can ensure I am not asking you to participate in something that isn’t for you.
Please let me know your preference?

Party Time

Please make sure DJ or Band is not using lasers as these burn through our sesnors damaging cameras. We wouldn’t be able to photograph.
Name & Instagram

Lastly – your lovely suppliers

Teamwork make dreamwork. I know so many people you’ve worked hard with to build your day, and I want to ensure I can tag and share images with all your lovely suppliers. So let me know who has done what. Instagram handles are ideal but just names are great too.If any of your suppliers ask you for images directly please refer them back to me for them so I can ensure they understand the usage T’s & C’s

You're finished!

We know that was a lot of information, but that should cover everything needed to make the day run smoothly so that you can immerse yourself in the wedding on the day itself! We will read your timeline, absorb the information and get in touch to arrange final call. Please message me if there’s anything else you’d like to discuss. Speak soon!P.S. Don’t forget to click submit!